❝Step by Step, Time will Tell ❞

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Laugh, Smile, Feel Free
Lesson 1: Think and Feel
I'm not going to lie to you. I am not the most..."Sanguin-ish" person you can find in the world. Frankly I'm quite the opposite... A Choleric-Melancholy. Haha, I'm the sort of the person who normally thinks the glass is half empty. I know...pessimists can never really go far. I don't know, you be the judge. (Check out Personality Plus to find out what I'm talking about)
Anyway,I'm just about realising that little things in life actually make a lot of difference in anyway you want to believe in. All in all, the mind is the most prominent part of how we react to things and how we feel about things. In a way it is comforting to think that we have full control over the thoughts and feelings we have and how we act upon it. I recently went for a talk last Monday, during the hari raya haji holiday. And I got some clarity on how we must differentiate what our minds and our hearts are trying to tell us.
Sometimes we think too much thus resolving into not doing what our hearts want us to do. We tend to avoid the risks that we must take and subsequently our hearts would also start to ache due to the fact that its need is not being fulfilled.
Frankly, it's all in the mind. The mind graces us with logical yet unnecessary scenarios that directly or indirectly affects our well being.
The heart is mainly trying to win a constant battle against our stubborn and scathy mind.
I for one think too much. I run all over the place trying to THINK of what I am suppose to say. In a sense I beat around the bush.
But the thing about the heart... To speak from the heart is mainly what we FEEL of what we're suppose to say instead.
We don't think. Nor do we stumble or stutter. When we speak from the heart we may find that very few words are needed to be said. The expression itself says it all. We do not justify what we say. We do not beat around the bush. We don't run from what we are trying to express to the person. It comes out naturally. Because it's what we Feel. Sincere feelings sometimes maybe hard or embarrassing to let out. It may offend or make the other person feel uncomfortable. Ah but, I'll stop here. You know why?
What I say now comes from my mind. I THINK that person is going to feel awkward or uncomfortable. I THINK that expressing my sincere feelings maybe hard or embarrassing to let out.
But honestly...I would never know until I do it.
'Cause we don't speak for the other person. We can't tell what he or she is feeling.
Alas the mind can be so logical and sly that these thoughts seem like the best possible outcome for what we are suppose to do. It makes Mr. Fear creep into our doubtful hearts and minds.
Expressing something is a very powerful thing. It may show that the person is very strong and/or it may show a speck or a vast ocean of vulnerability. Judgement, unfortunately, comes into play here. As it always does.
Frankly it's just a sense of being it Heart over Mind or vice versa. As I say again, we wouldn't know till we tried. :)
Lesson 2: Small things mean Big
A great friend once said to me, that the smallest things can mean so much to ourselves and to the soul.
It can just switch off the sadness that is stirring inside our hearts. It can blind every scrutiny and every doubt a person has for one single, heavenly moment.
Imagine you standing in a crowd full of wonderful and lively people. They laugh at about anything and their gestures towards you make you laugh until you squeak.
Now try to think about what you would imagine in your mind at that exact moment. What are the thoughts that run through your head and how many heaves of laughter you pull out of your chest.
For me, I feel at home. And the first things that literally pop into my head are the words "Dear God how great You are for putting such amazing people into my life. I thank you. " or, "Thank you God."
To honestly tell you dear friend, we experience this wonderful feeling almost everyday. Or at least I do. :)
Thinking about it even now makes me smile and go dizzy.
To think that these people are able to fulfill my space of glee and joy makes my heart feel at home indeed. They are the ones that enable me to escape from my haunting and sometimes depressing mind.
They are the ones that make that single happy moment for me last like what it feels like a lifetime.
It's truly amazing how happiness can do so much to ease ones pain. And indeed God our heavenly Father is at work to make sure we all have a jolly good time.
And the best thing is that it will be with the people whom you meet everyday. :) From the ones whom you just talk nonsense with, to those whom you see laughing and having fun( yes even those moments make me smile) for those you hang out with almost every night and weekend ;) ,for those whom you see every Saturday with something new instored within, and for new people you laugh with whom you just met , just for the sake of laughing.
So you see, it is evidential to think that even with a person we just met; can make us laugh a ton :)
There is a great number of moments in life where laughter plays a big role in my heart .
Countless if I were to draft it out...
Unfortunately, Explaining and expressing all of this in block letters seem unintentionally long and drawling. But in reality, in time, it just happens for a moment.
But--Combine them to many moments that happen almost everyday and you'll get a lifetime full of joyful and happy memories.
Now...I am not going to contradict myself. Nor anyone who has a different point of view. :)
Unfortunately, At most times -also- my mind never fails to drag me into a place I do not want to be in. Trust me when I say that it's the most horrible place a person could linger on.
I did not say that I don't experience a very complex and unusual , confusing mind.
In fact I go crazy just thinking about all the complicated things that go around the crevice of my head. (If you get what I mean)
Albeit... my point is, the most simplest moments in life, can help overcome or temporarily blanket the scratchy things that occur within myself.
I have yet to learn how to separate the great and fun moments before it gets poisoned by my inhabitual self- inflicting thoughts.
Ah but... for those great moments, for those moments where I just feel like I'm wrapped in a haven, I thank you, for the people and those moments, but prominently, I thank God.
Thank you to the people also, who taught me how to stop and smell the roses, to seep in every beautiful and outrageously fantastic yet simple moments, to know that I can always grab hold onto those memories whenever I drop into a dark abyss.
Thank you to the one also, who taught me how to keep my memories intact, and how to start reliving every happy moment; shared between two or more individuals.
Yes, you taught me all of that, and I miss you for that. You initiated the lesson, and with All the lessons you taught me, I miss you Solely for that.
Lesson one and two...
Lessons taught,
Lesson preached,
Lessons that take,
A soul to teach.
Lessons told,
Lessons shared,
Lessons for you and I,
Lessons not compared...
God bless and thank you for reading. :)